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Reusing agroindustrial wastewater for food crop irrigation 



Reusing agroindustrial wastewater for food crop irrigation 



Reusing agroindustrial wastewater for food crop irrigation 


The Capitanata site is situated in the Puglia Region in south eastern Italy. The main economic activity in the area is agricultural food production and processing. The site includes the wastewater of Fiordelisi a certified organic producer, growing and processing mainly tomato for the international market.

Consequently the envisage reuse is unrestricted irrigation of food crops. Next to saving the scarce resource water the close-loop recycling of nutrients is a prominent aspect in this site.

The Fiordelisi plant has its own treatment system for wastewater from vegetables processing (washing, conditioning, cooking, etc.). The plant can treat about 300 m3/d and has a conventional activated sludge system, a tertiary membrane filtration system and on-line UV treatment. Effluents from the tertiary system can be stored in existing reservoirs and used for irrigation at test fields, where an additional on-line UV disinfection system is in place.

In the DEMOWARE project, Capitanata site will serve to demonstrate the feasibility of reusing agroindustrial wastewater for food crop irrigation and to determine its advantages in terms of nutrient recovery.