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Water Reuse Conference - Barcelona 13-14 June 2016

Water reuse offers significant benefits to integrated management of stressed water countries and regions as a dependable alternative water source. There is a substantial range of water reuse practices already applied worldwide, many of these in Europe. DEMOWARE project has worked to demonstrated the technical feasibility of innovative technologies for wastewater reclamation and reuse together with advanced monitoring options. Furthermore the project is promoting the marketability of water reuse schemes.

Water-reuse conference intends to offer a place where to interchange experiences in water reuse projects from governance aspects to legal constraints and including all technical related aspects. This conference will put together researcher water utilities and companies in order to increase business opportunities. All attendants will have the occasion to explain their projects to the conference audience in the Showcase of water reuse technologies.

Brochure of the meeting

Presentations First Day

Presentations Second Day